GP Practice GP Practice
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Excellence through personalised care

0191 253 1113
Whitley Bay Health Centre
Whitley Road
Whitley Bay Tyne and Wear NE26 2ND


Updated on 12th July 2011 at 9:25 am


The doctors and staff welcome you to this Practice and hope your time with us will be a healthy one.

What we ask of our patients

Patients should value their health and therefore seek to maintain a healthy lifestyle and minimise health risks.

Patients should extend the same courtesy and politeness to the Practice team as they would expect to receive. Violence or any abusive behaviour towards any member of staff will not be tolerated and would normally lead to removal action from the list.

Requests for repeat prescriptions should be made in good time. Please allow 48 hours notice for your repeat prescriptions to be actioned.

Home visits should be regarded as a service for the genuinely housebound or those too ill to come to the surgery. If deemed necessary please ring before 10.00am if possible.

Should you be unable to attend your appointment then please ring to cancel so that it can be offered to other people.

Please inform the Practice of any change of address.